When I picked my kids up today from the bus I told them about the great conversation I had with a friend today about all the cool things kids are into these days. My friend and I were talking about 21st Century skills, but I figured at 6 and 8 my kids would be nanosecond bored by that one. Cool sums it up quite nicely for them.
My son agreed that kids can do cool stuff and told me (again) how cool it would be if he had a DS. He’s been begging for one for as long as I can remember, but I’m not particularly keen on a DS because I don’t see the educational value. I told him he should do some research to find some information that would prove to me a DS has some merit. If he could find some solid data on the value of a DS, I’d seriously consider buying him one.
As soon as we walked in the door he Googled “Why should I buy a DS”. (I know it’s not a verb, but it works, right?). He found some pretty awesome info, I have to admit. Did you know you can link your DS to a Wii? We don’t have a Wii either, but if these two machines can actually talk to one another, then I’m already on the yes side for both. I’m a nerd for sure and anytime two machines will talk to one another I’m already lovin’ them both.
Because it’s cool, that’s why!
He wasn't sold at first. When I added he might learn a few more reasons through visitor’s comments about the positives of a DS, he started to consider the benefits of blogging.
So we signed him up for a kidblog account http://kidblog.org/home.php. I searched a bit for free, kid friendly blogs and this one seemed like a good place to start. This is a blog site for teachers and their students, but we set one up for the family. My son started to blog about his DS situation, but then erased it.
With my jig coming to an abrupt and rather ungraceful end, and no small amount fear that he had decided blogging was too much work, I casually asked my little man why he had deleted his post. To my absolute exaltation he replies, “I want to blog about SLIME!”
Wahoo!!! A Blogger is born!
He feverishly set to work setting up his first post and I whirled around the kitchen with his 6 year old sister. I told him I would post his URL on Facebook so my people would find out about it and start commenting on his post.
His first post consisted of only 17 words, but he’s already hooked.
He racked up a whopping 6 comments within mere minutes of my Facebook shoutout about his blog. It is now three hours later and he’s already written one reply and checked his blog three times to see how many people have commented.
When I told him a few minutes ago he had a seventh post he was over the moon!
I have only been blogging for a few months myself, but seeing his enthusiasm got me fired right back up again!
So you see, my kid really IS the most awesome of them all! How old were YOU when YOU started blogging? I was 40. My son was only 3 months past his 8th birthday!!
Check him out at http://kidblog.org/deveaufamily